
While battle royale games are predominantly multiplayer experiences pitting skilled human players against each other, there are some options available for those seeking to learn or practice the genre solo against computer-controlled opponents. This allows players to get comfortable with mechanics and strategies without the pressure of facing other humans. Two such games that offer fully-featured solo modes are Ring of Elysium and the Arma 3 modification Battle Royale Singleplayer Experience (BRSE). In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the gameplay, maps, customization options and overall experience provided by these battle royale games designed for solo players.

Choosing Equipment and Looting Locations

In both Ring of Elysium and BRSE, players must search throughout the maps to find vital weapons, armor, healing items and other equipment needed to survive the match. Loot is scattered randomly across designated areas, requiring players to thoroughly search buildings, vehicles and outdoor locations. This process of carefully choosing what to pick up and where to search next, known as “looting strategy”, is a core part of the battle royale experience that the solo modes realistically simulate against AI opponents. Players must learn to quickly evaluate what gear is most useful based on the match scenario and their preferred play style. Over time, familiarity with common loot spots helps optimize this process in future matches.

Maneuvering Across Large Maps

The maps featured in these solo battle royale games like Ring of Elysium cover substantial areas, similar in size to those found in multiplayer versions. Successfully navigating between locations and staying alive requires tactical planning of routes. Players must pay close attention to the zone boundary and weather conditions like blizzards while traveling across open ground. Learning efficient traversal methods like fast climbing, parachuting distances, and vehicle handling is important for reaching safe zones before the play area shrinks. Mastering “map navigation techniques” in solo matches prepares players for executing well-timed rotations against human opponents.

Engaging AI Opponents

While the AI bots can’t replicate sophisticated human tactics, they do act to simulate battle scenarios. In Ring of Elysium and BRSE, bots will search for weapons, drive vehicles, and fire on players within sight range. At higher difficulty levels, they may flank, use grenades or even occasionally down a player caught off guard. This basic level of “bot AI behavior” provides the core gunfight experience needed to develop aiming, cover usage, peaking and movement skills during firefights. Players learn strategies like pushing opponents, avoiding sniper fire and making snap judgements in chaotic scenarios that directly translate to PvP matches. The solo modes effectively serve as a low-pressure proving ground to hone these essential combat abilities.

Learning from Each Match

A benefit to playing against bots is the ability to learn from every match without the frustrations that come from human opponents. Players have the freedom to experiment freely with high-risk play styles and analyze what went wrong after being eliminated. Over numerous solo games, patterns will emerge on where improvements are most needed. Mapping good positioning vs. poor decisions, optimal weapon choices or where to focus aim practice all helps optimize performance. The solo modes gave opportunities to systematically “learn from failures” in a low-stakes environment without jeopardizing a teammate’s game. This ongoing process of self-evaluation is invaluable for maximizing long-term growth as a battle royale player.

Customizing the Solo Experience

Both Ring of Elysium and BRSE give players options to tailor certain aspects of the solo matches to suit their current skill level or desired challenge. This customization enhances the value of the solo modes for focused practice.

Adjusting Bot Difficulty

One of the most important customization features is the ability to adjust the difficulty level of the AI opponents. In BRSE, this can be set independently for “tactical” and “aiming” difficulties to generate very realistic or easier practice scenarios. Ring of Elysium offers three standard difficulty presets. Being able to face less advanced or more strategically challenging “bot difficulties” allows gradual skill progression without frustration. It also lets players match the AI to their learning goals for a given session.

Tuning Other Match Settings

Beyond bot settings, BRSE gives granular controls over variables like circle speed, player counts, weather conditions and more. This allows completely recreating specific multiplayer scenarios to practice against AI versions. Ring of Elysium has more limited options but still offers flexibility in match length, time of day and map selection. Having control over additional elements like “match settings customization” gives players agency to tailor solo games for targeted practice rather than relying on random variables outside their control. It optimizes the learning experience.

Leveraging Replays and Deathcam

An underrated part of improving is reviewing past performances. Luckily, Ring of Elysium and BRSE both include replay and killcam systems for analyzing solo matches. After being eliminated, these tools allow carefully examining a player’s own actions and movements from a third person view. It also shows the perspective of bots that got favorable shots. This valuable feedback lets players pinpoint and correct technical errors or tactical mistakes in positioning, awareness and decision making that otherwise may have gone unnoticed. The ability to methodically “review matches” substantially accelerates the learning process compared to trial-and-error alone.

The Maps: Varied Terrains for Realistic Practice

The settings featured across Ring of Elysium and BRSE’s unique maps provide realistic terrains to hone battlefield skills against bots. Their variety of features directly carry over benefits to human matches.

Snow-Covered Mountainscapes

Ring of Elysium is set exclusively in memorable snow-themed maps that each cover large, mountainous regions. From lush forested valleys to open glacial plains, their natural vistas offer challenging navigational scenarios. Rotating between maps prevents familiarity while replicating the cold survival elements. Players must carefully manage not just weapons but also temperature gauges in blizzards. The convincing winter environments develop “map awareness” that readily applies to other battle royale games’ varied terrains.

Diverse Military Training Grounds

BRSE leverages the authentic military locations already contained within Arma 3 for its maps. Ranging from dense jungle islands to sprawling desert bases, each setting provides uniquely tactical terrain. Challenging city blocks require navigating tight alleyways while open fields force long range combat practices. The maps help players understand how to dynamically “adapt playstyle to terrain” on the fly, a crucial skill when facing unpredictable human opponents on unfamiliar maps. Even experienced users can find new strategical elements to layers.

Evolving Circle Mechanics

Another hallmark of battle royale realistically emulated in solo modes is the encroaching play zone. Over the course of a long match, Ring of Elysium and BRSE gradually decrease territory based on circle timers. Later stages concentrate opponents and ratchet up pressure. This core mechanic drives strategic decision making like timely rotations or zone holds that directly carry over. Practicing adaptive measures under the closing zone’s pressure against bots ensures strong “circle strategy” for human matches on any map. Its varied paces within matches keep players on their toes.

Closing Thoughts

While facing human opponents is ultimately the true test of any battle royale player’s skills, developing fundamentals alone or against bots provides invaluable preparation. By carefully choosing customization options and reviewing every match, solo modes empower focused improvement at an individual’s own pace. For people new to the genre or wanting low-risk practice, games like Ring of Elysium and the Arma 3 BRSE modification deliver fully-realized battle royale experiences against AI. Their varied maps, realistic mechanics and customization abilities make each practice session a learning opportunity. Most importantly, they build core competencies that seamlessly transfer to facing off against other skilled humans. Overall, solo options are a powerful training tool for any battle royale player looking to optimize their learning process.