Legality and Safety of Methods to Obtain Robux

Group Fund Transfers Are Legitimate

Roblox group owners have the ability to transfer Robux to members of their groups via the official group funds system built into Roblox. This is considered a legitimate way for users to obtain Robux, as group funds are a core feature intended for rewards and collaboration between group members. As long as transactions occur via the official Roblox group funds system, they will not result in any bans or penalties against user accounts.

Third-Party Transactions Require Caution

While obtaining Robux directly from Roblox through group funds is safe and allowed, purchasing Robux or limited items from third parties like other users or external trading sites does carry some risks. These types of transactions are against Roblox’s terms of service, so if Roblox detects them they could potentially lead to temporary or even permanent bans of involved accounts. However, the likelihood depends on factors like the amounts involved. Small casual trades under $10,000 usually do not trigger much suspicion, but very large transactions over $100,000 start to enter a higher risk category.

Mitigating Risks of Poisoned Limited Items When Buying from Third Parties

Research Item Ownership History with UAID

One of the biggest dangers of third-party limited item transactions is the potential for “poisoned” items - items that were originally obtained fraudulently or against TOS by a previous owner. Services like Rolimons allow users to look up an item’s “UAID history” and see all previous owners. Checking for suspicious gaps or changes in the history can help identify poisoned items.

Avoid Extremely Discounted Prices

Items being sold at an unrealistic discount compared to their normal market value, such as 80% or more off, are more likely attempts to offload poisoned merchandise before the original theft is discovered. Sticking to reasonably priced deals can reduce exposure to banned accounts.

Quarantine New Purchases Briefly on Alt Accounts

Keeping any newly acquired limited items on a dedicated “trading” alt account for 1-7 days allows time for potential poison issues, like fraudulent chargebacks by the previous owner, to come to light without threat to the buyer’s main account. This “cooling off” period provides an extra layer of safety when transacting with strangers.

Additional Safety Considerations for Large Limited Item Transactions

Transactions Under $300K Have Low Ban Risk Normally

For the average casual player, most limited item trades will fall well below the $300,000 mark. At these amounts, Roblox has little reason to closely scrutinize deals between users. As long as there is no evidence of real money fraud or orchestrated RMT rings, small deals under this threshold typically do not end in punishments.

$10K-$100K Range Has Very Low Poison Chance

The chance of unknowingly acquiring a poisoned item decreases substantially in the $10,000 to $100,000 price bracket for limiteds. While still against TOS to buy from third parties, accounts with good purchase histories on record are very unlikely to encounter issues from isolated transactions in this medium range.

Over $100K Transactions Require Extra Diligence

Once individual deals exceed $100,000, risk levels incrementally increase due to limited items of such high values becoming more enticing targets for real money thieves. However, poisonings are still not guaranteed - the best mitigation continues to be thoroughly vetting item histories and seller legitimacy before committing large sums. With care, even large limited item buyers can often complete transactions without repercussion.

Most and Least Risky Markets for Limited Item Trading

Avoid Markets Without UAID Checking

Sites like and Adurite that do not provide basic functionality like universal item ID recording of past owners should be approached with extreme caution. Without transparency into provenance, their inventories inherently carry elevated chances of containing poisoned merchandise.

Rbxflip Allows Full Item History Research

A relatively safer choice for users determined to trade limiteds against TOS is Their marketplace mandates recording each item’s complete UAID history with previous owners, dates, and trade details. This level of transparent provenance tracking helps mitigate chances of inadvertent poisonings through no fault of the buyer.

All Third-Party Markets Still Break TOS

It’s important to remember that while some external trading platforms offer better risk management than others, using any to buy or sell Roblox limited items remains strictly prohibited by Roblox’s policies. All trades through third parties carry some degree of acceptance of the possibility of account punishments like suspensions.

Additional Safety with Separate Alt Accounts

Isolate traded items and currency on alts

Maintaining a dedicated alternate account solely for third-party trading provides an extra firewall of protection. This segregates any limited items, Robux, or other virtual goods obtained through external transactions. Then, if that account was to ever face repercussions from Roblox like bans, the main account used for general platform activities would remain unaffected.

Cooling off period prevents cross-contamination

Letting newly acquired items sit untouched in the separate trading account for a week or more after each deal helps ensure no issues of potential poisoning, chargebacks, or other problems spill over and impact the main account if they arise during that initial observation window. This “quarantine protocol” provides an extra layer of protection for the core account.

Weighing Reward Against Inherent Risks

While utilizing proper risk mitigation tactics can reduce chances of problems like account bans, purchasing limited items from third parties will never be completely risk-free due to the fundamental stance of being against Roblox’s policies. Those seeking the reward of desirable limiteds outside the platform should carefully consider their personal tolerance for risk and what losing an account would mean based on how much time and money they have invested into it. Patience and caution are advised over impulse when substantial virtual or real-world value hangs in the balance.